
Resources and guides to help users navigate the Orion AI Protocol

Orion AI is a yield infrastructure protocol. It structures sources of high yield into a tradable asset.

  • Structuring is enabled through Orion AI: The Automatic Tranche Maker ("ATM"), a permissionless lending protocol that automatically organizes capital in a pool based on depositors' risk and return (rate) profiles.

  • Tradable Assets are enabled through our Liquid Credit Token ("LCT"), a liquid, composable ERC-20 representing each lender's position within a pool.

The main goals of The ATM are to improve on three shortcomings of existing lending protocols:

  • Oracleless: Remove the dependency on a centralized price oracle for loan to value limits

  • Dynamic Interest Rate Model: Replace a fixed, governance-driven interest rate model with a dynamic, deposit driven one

  • Permissionless: Allow users to instantiate a lending pool for any collection permissionlessly

LCTs were created to help scale digital asset market growth through several high yield opportunities. The primary benefits are:

  1. Enable long duration loans: lenders, who historically did not want their capital to be illiquid, now have access to secondary liquidity at any point during the loan term.

  2. Support/stabilize floor prices: by deepening lending markets (i.e. more deposits from the DeFi community) and by encouraging higher LTV loans (more yield) which will reduce sell pressure by holders.

  3. Maximize yield: LCTs are fully composable tokens, which can be used within all aspects of DeFi, including trading, supplying LPs, leveraging with Vaults, etc.

Last updated